Taxes, Taxes, Taxes...
Fot the past week I have been working on our taxes. It sometimes seems like the process with never end. It is hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait.
I realize that compaines have until January 31 to send out w2's but why wait until the last day? Do they get some type of incentive?
BrennyBob keeps coming up and asking how it's going? Are things looking good? You would think that he is a doctor waiting for his patient to give birth. Okay now is the time to PUSH!! You can do it! Your almost there! I do appreciate his comments and concern, but sometimes like with labor I want to yell!
Okay, Okay.... I've gotta go the mail man is coming hopefully with the last document I need.
At 8:44 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Taxation without representation! (Or something like that.)
Glad you are bloggin'!
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