Brando's Bloggins

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A time for everything

Well the prisoner has been caught and is now sleeping in her toddler bed. Her new crib converts to a toddler bed which was nice because she was already confortable in that bed. The first night of the toddler bed was horrible. She was up from 1:30 until 5am. Ugh. She would run into our room and then I would take her back to her room. Sometimes I would leave letting her know it was bedtime. Many times I would lay on her floor for a while and then try and get back to bed.

She was exhausted all day. We were all on edge from being so tired. Saturday was just a horrible day. What a way to start our long weekend.

Saturday night she slept all night in her bed and it was so nice to sleep. Last night was the first night that she came into our room calling for me, but Rudy got up and put her back to bed. She was still laying in bed when Yuri was getting ready for school even though she was awake.

One good thing is that each time she thinks she has to get up she tries to bring all of her stuff with her. Three blankies "pinking", her pillow, a twinkerbell pillow case aka tinkerbell, her stuffed bear, and a glow worm that plays music. Rudy said if we keep adding to her stash it will slow her down enough that she will just stay in bed. I am not so sure. She will probably just start loading it all in her stroller and bring it in our room.


Do you ever feel restricted by your own blog?

Anyway on to something else.


We leave for Disney in just 10 days! I am ready maybe sometime away will be good for our family. I can't wait to see the looks on Yuri and Yin's faces. Yuri cannot fathom the size od Disney. We keep trying to explain it, but its something you just have to see to believe.

Upon our return, I am sure that we will be starting with our halloween decorations.


I have signed up for some scrapbooking classes through one of the local colleges and scrapbooking stores. It will met 4 nights in October. I am very excited to be doing something adult. I wish I had someone to go with me, but Rudy says "You make friends anywhere. Why are you worried?"


Yin's new saying is "Hush It Parky!". I think that I may have said that a few thousand times this summer at my mom and dad's dog. It is very funny to hear her say it. It is all ran together like "hushitparky" So it could sound like something naughty.


I was very upset to hear that Steve Irwin was killed on Monday. I really enjoyed watching his show, and while I thought that he was crazy occassionally. He really seemed to love his job. I realize that many people were very upset when his was feeding a croc while holding his young son, but I am not going to pass judgment on that. My parents rode me on a horse at that age and while that is not exaclty the samething. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN. I got the feeling that he really loved his wife and his kids. It saddens my heart that his kids are the same age as mine, and I cannot imagine life without Rudy.

Money wise, I am sure that they will be okay. It is great that Terri will have so much video of him, but those poor kids. How do you explain that tragety to a two year old? Yin already askes to see all the people in our family.

My heart just hurts.


  • At 12:04 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    I find it very hard to comment. The posting takes me to two completely different poles of feeling. I too cant wait for our vacation and time with the kids. I am deeply saddened by the death of the Croc Hunter and thoughs and prayers are with his family. I am thankful that we got uplifting news about Mom. All I can really say is my heart hurts with you.

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    You gotta explain further how you feel limited by your own blog.

    Here's to a fun trip, to Yin sleeping in her new bed and your scrapbooking classes! You are one busy girl.

  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Ramblin73 said…

    I am glad that twinkerbell is one of Yins favorite things. I know it's one of mine. I was shocked to hear about Steve Irwin. He seemed larger than life on T.V. It's hard to imagine that he died the way he did. I feel sad for the wife and kids he left behind.

  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger K_Dense73 said…

    I can't think of a better way to go, doing what you love and having been able to do it with so much success. I feel badly for his family.


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