Brando's Bloggins

Thursday, January 25, 2007

So grateful she is NOT Twins.

I love Yin, but holy cow that girl has too much energy sometimes. In the last 20 mintues, I found a chocolate cover long john that she "hide" under the couch pillow for later, cleaned up a bowl of Red Jello that she dumped in the floor, and then discovered that she had run off with the cleaning supplies! YIKES!!!!

She has alot of extra engery today! Yuri received his report card last week and he did very well his lowest grade was a 94 in reading and his highest was a 103 in Social Studies. I was disappointed to see that our school does straight grades so if you get an A+, A, or A-... You get an A. This is the same for the other letter grades. I do not like this system at all. Maybe if I was on the A- end I might.

Yin is still saying that she is ready to go school, but is showing very little interest in the potty. She will get it in time.


  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger K_Dense73 said…

    Congratulations to Yuri! I hear there's no such things as an F anymore. What the F?

  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    Good job, Yuri!

  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger Rudy said…

    We are very happy with his grades. I joked with him and asked if he could bring up that 103% grade. I think I will hire Yin to hide my next cache.


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