Brando's Bloggins

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tonight's the NIGHT!!!

Yeah! American Idol starts tonight!!!! Are you ready Cynical? I know that not many people share our love for the American Idol. Yuri is beside himself with excitement and demanded that I turn it on now! Silly boy knows that you have to wait for shows to come on TV.

Rudy has his first offical Meeting tonight, so I am home with the Demons... I mean, wonderul child that I have been blessed with. Today I went thru Yin's closet and put away most of the super heavy winter stuff. Yeah, on the closet day of the winter so far??? I also put up all of her summer stuff. She has the BEST closet in our whole house.

Why you ask did I do this now??? I needed her to try on all of last years summer to see if it fit or not so that I can sell it on ebay. The end of January and month of February are the BEST times for her nicer summer items. The stuff that is okay is going either to the Garage Sale or in my Garage Sale.

Yuri was home sick again today fever and vomiting. I only have one sick one unlike Farmwife. Pray for her and her kiddos.

Right now we are enjoying Star Trek Voyager. I know, I know, but Janeway kicks butt! She is by far the most superior Captain on ANY of the shows!! Could be because she is a WOMAN. Hee Hee.

For my Trekkies, who is your favotire Character Man and Woman. I bet there are a lot of 7 of 9 fans out there. Right boys?

Mine are Q and B'Ellana Torres. I told Rudy we should have name Yin B'Ellana. I have taken to calling her that and she will say "No, me Yin." Which is funny since real name is pretty close to B'Ellana.

COUNT DOWN TO IDOL ....Well I was going to put a really cool free timer here, but NOPE! I can't find one that won't take me an hour to figure out how to use.


  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger K_Dense73 said…

    I am excited about Idol, but I don't like these first few shows where they make fun of people. Those people are really devistated and don't seem to realize they can't sing. It's really sad to me. Anyway, as for Star Trek, I like Spock, Data, Ro, and Tasha. I hate Neelix. Voyager is good, but it's too sciencey for my taste. Seems like every episode is Janeway and B'Elanna bouncing scientific theories off each other until they come up with a resolution. Voyager is like sex or pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good.

  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone, but I like the Borg Queen. I just love the concept of assimilation. I bet Cynical is surprised to know I have a favorite character.

    I think 7-of-9 is a Kentuckian.

  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Brando said…

    I LOVE the Borg. Poor Idols wannabe's. Do they REALLY think that they can sing or do they just want on TV? I KNOW that I cannot sing ask Hope.

    She is a really good singer sometimes I wanna choke her in the car. Okay, not really! I LOVE her and her singing.

  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger Hope said…

    You want to choke me in the car?

    Right now my favorite Star Trek female is T'Pal, but my all-time fave is Janeway BY FAR. Somehow, though, I didn't know till recently that SHE KNITS. (I haven't seen that episode I guess: I read about it on one of her on-line bios.)

    Favorite male? Maybe Tom Paris? I know a lot of people don't like him, but I think he's amusing. Harry Kim is a big cutie-pie. Picard is cool. Tuvok is cool. I can't decide.


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