A night or two away
Tonight we are travelling to the work home of Needlefingers with our best pals Hope and Mei Mei's daddy. We are going to an International Students Dinner. The theme is Chinese New year. Last year Hope and I went to the Korea/Japanese dinner and it was great. They provide a meal and entertainment. Since we have someone special coming from China, I am ready to learn as much as I can about the country/culture. We are also planning to attend the Korea/Japanese dinner again. Needlefingers went out of her way to get us the tickets. So THANKS Needles!
Tomorrow is the annual Sweethearts getaway sponsered by Rudy and MeiMei daddy's work. We went last year and it was my first night away from Yin since her arrival. This will be my second night away from her. I am antsy. Last year we drove the kids to KY to Nene's and Papa's for a sitter. This year my mom and dad are going to be watching the kids. Pray for a good night by all!
This year proves to have plenty of fun. Hope and MeiMei's daddy are going also. These are my most favorite travel partners. We have travelled on many short trips and a few long trips and as long as part of the group stay away from bag lettuce, we have a GREAT time.
We have several stores that Rudy and I plan to visit. I can hardly contain myself with the excitement of shopping child free. No one asking for toys, books, or to go past the free food lady over and over and over again at Sam's. Okay, no one asking if I can control Rudy.
We interrupt you regular scheduled broadcast for.... YIN peed in the potty.... This may contain TMI for some of you. While on the potty, she began to pee. We clapped, but then something in my mind clicked. Push Yin! Push! Then I saw something in her brain click. She pushed she pottied! She went three times last night, and managed to stay dry for 4 hours! It is hyserical to see her try and pull up her panties. Can you say THONG, THONG, THONG... If she could really get this going Pampers might go broke!
I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Tomorrow is the annual Sweethearts getaway sponsered by Rudy and MeiMei daddy's work. We went last year and it was my first night away from Yin since her arrival. This will be my second night away from her. I am antsy. Last year we drove the kids to KY to Nene's and Papa's for a sitter. This year my mom and dad are going to be watching the kids. Pray for a good night by all!
This year proves to have plenty of fun. Hope and MeiMei's daddy are going also. These are my most favorite travel partners. We have travelled on many short trips and a few long trips and as long as part of the group stay away from bag lettuce, we have a GREAT time.
We have several stores that Rudy and I plan to visit. I can hardly contain myself with the excitement of shopping child free. No one asking for toys, books, or to go past the free food lady over and over and over again at Sam's. Okay, no one asking if I can control Rudy.
We interrupt you regular scheduled broadcast for.... YIN peed in the potty.... This may contain TMI for some of you. While on the potty, she began to pee. We clapped, but then something in my mind clicked. Push Yin! Push! Then I saw something in her brain click. She pushed she pottied! She went three times last night, and managed to stay dry for 4 hours! It is hyserical to see her try and pull up her panties. Can you say THONG, THONG, THONG... If she could really get this going Pampers might go broke!
I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
At 9:45 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
A trip, shopping and pee in the potty. What else could you ask for?
At 11:05 AM,
Rudy said…
It was an exciting night at the house last night. I thought something was wrong when Yin what crying that she had pottied but her Dora underoos where bone dry. Mom reassured her that she had not went but I thought maybe she had that feeling and needed to go. Dashing to the potty I helped her with her Dora panties and when she sat down, it was like you pushed a button. She started to go. She is getting to be such a big girl. Pretty soon we will be going off to college. Where does the time go?????
At 4:02 PM,
Ramblin73 said…
Hope you guys have a great weekend and congrates on the number 1 and 2 in the potty. :)
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