Happy Fathers Day to Rudy!
I remember even as a young girl. I would always tell my family that I DID NOT want to have kids. I am not sure why? I got along with my brothers as well as most. We had our fights and fueds, but we loved each other. I remember as I got older telling my Gramma Mick that someday maybe I would adopt a baby from Russia. I love St. Basil's, and I have always wanted to see it.
When Rudy and I got married we were in no hurry to have kids. We were only 20, and we still wanted to have fun. On May 1, 1995, we made the big leap. I went off the pill and the rest was a nightmare... At the time Rudy worked for a company with several Asain workers. I remember going to the picnic and seeing those girls and trying to convince Rudy that surly we could kidnap one of them and from that point on we both had the love for little Asain girls.
When it was "confirmed" (not so sure about that) that we would not have bio kids. We checked into egg donors and sprem donors and the like. Rudy was really great during this time. He was supportive and never made me feel "defective". He loved me and we made a plan. Infertility is very hard and although I have two beautiful, wonderful kids. I still have these "defective" feels about myself. Alot of the infertility stuff is just too painful to share except with my dear Rudy.
We decided to adopt. We did not know much, but I knew that I wanted RUSSIA! We met with a couple and after talking with them I asked Rudy "Can we get a son?" Little Yuri came along less that 6 months from the decision to adopt, but not from Russia from the Ukraine. That is a whole different story. We did not try for China or anyother Asain countries becuase. China's age requirement at the time was 35 and we were 26. We were not willing to wait that long.
We decided that one child would be great for us. Altough I had the baby bug we decided that we would not adopt anymore kids. Then briefly in 2003 we had some events that changed our minds. IN August 2003 we decided to adopt from South Korea. Rudy I am sure was not totally on board, but he knew how important this was to me and he stepped up again. On February 1, 2005. Yin arrived into our live and things have never been the same.
Rudy has been a great dad to Yuri and Yin. Each night he reads to Yuri and I love to hear the sound of his voice lulling Yuri off to dream land. He also loving carries Yin to bed everyother night and sings "Jesus loves me" to her. I love to his his voice as he sings to little Yin. As soon as he pulls in the driveway each evening Yin and Yuri began to yell "Daddy Daddy". Rudy is the most patient with our kids when we are all at home together. He often feels the need to be a little harder on them when we are with family and friends becuase he doesn't want people to think that the kids are brats and that we let them get by with murder.
Rudy works very hard to provide for our family. Working crazy hours and traveling away from home. Without Rudy's job at MOC we would never have been able to afford to adopt Yin and Yuri. I will always be grateful that each day he goes to work diligently to provide for our family.
Rudy is my best friend. He is a great dad! He is not very lovie dovie in front of people, but he is really a big teddy bear! Occassionally he says stuff that makes me want to beat the Shit out of him, but all and all I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world. Happy Father's Day my dear Rudy! I love You!
BTW... When are we getting number three?
When Rudy and I got married we were in no hurry to have kids. We were only 20, and we still wanted to have fun. On May 1, 1995, we made the big leap. I went off the pill and the rest was a nightmare... At the time Rudy worked for a company with several Asain workers. I remember going to the picnic and seeing those girls and trying to convince Rudy that surly we could kidnap one of them and from that point on we both had the love for little Asain girls.
When it was "confirmed" (not so sure about that) that we would not have bio kids. We checked into egg donors and sprem donors and the like. Rudy was really great during this time. He was supportive and never made me feel "defective". He loved me and we made a plan. Infertility is very hard and although I have two beautiful, wonderful kids. I still have these "defective" feels about myself. Alot of the infertility stuff is just too painful to share except with my dear Rudy.
We decided to adopt. We did not know much, but I knew that I wanted RUSSIA! We met with a couple and after talking with them I asked Rudy "Can we get a son?" Little Yuri came along less that 6 months from the decision to adopt, but not from Russia from the Ukraine. That is a whole different story. We did not try for China or anyother Asain countries becuase. China's age requirement at the time was 35 and we were 26. We were not willing to wait that long.
We decided that one child would be great for us. Altough I had the baby bug we decided that we would not adopt anymore kids. Then briefly in 2003 we had some events that changed our minds. IN August 2003 we decided to adopt from South Korea. Rudy I am sure was not totally on board, but he knew how important this was to me and he stepped up again. On February 1, 2005. Yin arrived into our live and things have never been the same.
Rudy has been a great dad to Yuri and Yin. Each night he reads to Yuri and I love to hear the sound of his voice lulling Yuri off to dream land. He also loving carries Yin to bed everyother night and sings "Jesus loves me" to her. I love to his his voice as he sings to little Yin. As soon as he pulls in the driveway each evening Yin and Yuri began to yell "Daddy Daddy". Rudy is the most patient with our kids when we are all at home together. He often feels the need to be a little harder on them when we are with family and friends becuase he doesn't want people to think that the kids are brats and that we let them get by with murder.
Rudy works very hard to provide for our family. Working crazy hours and traveling away from home. Without Rudy's job at MOC we would never have been able to afford to adopt Yin and Yuri. I will always be grateful that each day he goes to work diligently to provide for our family.
Rudy is my best friend. He is a great dad! He is not very lovie dovie in front of people, but he is really a big teddy bear! Occassionally he says stuff that makes me want to beat the Shit out of him, but all and all I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world. Happy Father's Day my dear Rudy! I love You!
BTW... When are we getting number three?
At 12:18 PM,
Rudy said…
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At 12:23 PM,
Rudy said…
Last I checked, none of the crack pot doctors we went to said it was you that was defective. I tend to think that we both are a little defective. You cant dig the sod off the lawn when we are landscaping which is a defect and I cant find my way anywhere with both hands and a road map. We fit perfectly together. I must admit that I was not totally on board with the Yin thing but now I am in over my head at the deep in and lovin evey minute of it. Thanks for being a wonderful Mom to my kids, a caring Wife to me and Loving to the whole family. We cant do it with out you. I Love You Sooooo Much. Thank you for all the kind words. I wish I could write what I feel about you but I am sure blogger has a limit to the web space it gives you. Love Always
At 2:10 PM,
Rudy said…
BTW stands for Beat The Wife. He He
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