Today I went to the quarry with my friend J. She is a SAHM but cleans houses and does landscaping in her "spare" time. She has really helped our yard look much better.
So as she and I dug through the rocks. Yin was running around like a WILD woman. She kept picking up small rocks in her little hands and trying to set them in the back of the truck. I am not sure how many she got in there. We got some very large size stones and within 45 mintutes. We had loaded 1600 lbs of rock in the pick up. We drove the four miles to her house and got rid of 2/3 of the rocks and I brought the rest home. Rudy will have to get some of them out!
I felt like Fred Flintstone digging in the rocks. Of course there were some really nice sized rocks that we could NOT get, but maybe Rudy can...
We went to check out and the owner Haywood (real name) is about 90 and I have to confess that I have a little crush on him. He said "Wow I never guessed you girls could load that much rock. That will be $32.00." Yes, it was that cheap! The rocks are only $.02 per pound. If you have ever bought rocks you know that most places charge at least $.10 and sometimes alot more.
Well of to the outside to see where my beauties will go.
At 8:57 PM,
Rudy said…
Yes, I got a jem. All that and she will load rocks in my pickup too. Love my hard workin woman.
At 1:12 AM,
Rhonda said…
Hey, thanks for the nursery song tip!
Moving rock is a quite a workout. I've only done it a few times and that was ENOUGH for me :)
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