Great Weekend

We had a great weekend. The weather was great. Yin slept ALL night in the camper. I slept in the back with her and she did just fine. Yuri slept on the top bunk like a big boy and Rudy had the Queen size bed all to himself. Yuri rode his bike around like a pro. It is amazing the difference in a year. Last year he still had training wheels, and we thought that he would never get it and then all of a sudden... Boom he's a pro. Yin loved to take rides on the bike. I got tired peddling her tushy around the park.
Friday we ran to T- town to Gander Mountain and Hobby Lobby. I have been working very hard on my scrapbooking of the kids memories. I now have about twenty full pages done in a week. I bought some stickers for Yuri's first day of school, his school field trip from last year, and some camping stickers.
Saturday was the big geocaching event. Great fun was had by all. There was a really nice easter egg hunt. Since the last one was where I got hurt... Yin found several large eggs that allowed her to pick stuffed animals. I had her give one to Yuri and one to another little girl so each kid could have one instead of her getting there. Like she needs anymore stuffed animals.
Sunday we headed home, and missed the 14-18 tornados that supposedly set down within 30 miles of that area. All we got was a little ran, but our friends that live 20 miles north of us got some damage from the wind. We ate lunch at my mom's house it was very good. I think we had ice cream for supper as no one was hungry. I know I am a horrible mom.
Yesterday was Yuri last day home from school. I really loved having him home for the last week. He was a great help with Yin. We worked around the house and worked on some wishes for the 100 good wishes quilt. In China, (Yin is from South Korea) anywhoo. In China, when a baby is born each person will send a piece of fabric and a wish ... i wish for you courage or love or joy ... on a small slip of paper. Then the quilt is put together once they recieve 100. I joined a Yahoo group with Mei Mei's mommy and we have been swapping material and wishes for the past month or so. The swap that I am currently working on is the 50 states. I got North and South Dakota. I picked material with Native Americans and Buffalo for North Dakota since the history for both in heavy in that area, and for South Dakota I picked Dinosaurs. There has been more dinosaurs excavated from there than any othe state. My wishes were on 1/2 a sheet of regular card stock with some info about each state and for North Dakota I attached a new buffalo nickel for South Dakota I used some dinosuar stickers. They turned out nice. I have done some better wishes, but those were for smaller groups not 50.
Rudy got home a 4pm and it WAS so nice to see him. After 32 days and nights of not seeing him. Ugh. If I was Catholic I would say that I gave us by sweet Rudy for lent. This reminds me of or good friends W & B. One year I asked B what she gave up for Lent. She replied "Pop". I asked her husband W what he gave up for lent he replied "Foreplay"... You gotta know W this has kept me laughing for years!!!
I have really missed my blogging family, but I had nothing to write. I sure hope that Farmwife isn't gonna leave us I really enjoy her posts. Ragged has been taking the most beautiful spring pics. Cynical is my Idol fan. I am not sure what is happing there. Needles always has me guessing with the pics of what her beautiful yarn will turn into, and Pilot well he finds the best internet pics out there, plus his gas stories (for cars) always make me laugh and Rudy groan.
The above is a picture that I took of our weeping flowering pear tree. We put this out in the fall of the 2004, but last year it did not flower. This year it is just beautiful. BTW I took this with the Canon... Not to bad...
At 12:06 PM,
Rudy said…
Nice post and nice pics
At 3:35 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Beautiful photos.
I am fascinated by the quilt. What a wonderful idea.
At 4:00 PM,
FarmWife said…
Good to have you back! Love the picture!
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