You can't Handle the Truth!
Just when I thought that I hated every Tom Cruise movie I have remembered one that I liked.
I can hardly stand to even look at him anymore. With his crazy couch jumping and cult like acting that the media is filled with. I wish the media would let it go, maybe after his love child is born. Who knows?
I really love the movie "A Few Good Men". Of course, Jack Nickloson really makes this movie.
This reminds me of when I was in High School and getting ready to graduate. I did well in Math and Science and won some awards. One night I got a call from a former graduate who was now a Marine. He asked me about becoming a Marine and different fields and such. I replied that "Mark, the only thing that me and the Marines have in common are that we are both looking for a few good men", and I hung up the phone. I mean really me a Marine?!? I doubt that they are ready for women Marines like me!
Any Tom Cruise Fans still out there? What do you like?
Movies I like are as follows:
Legend (remember that show)
Days of Thunder ( We went thru about 5 VHS copies of that show) It made me LOVE Nascar.
A few Good Men
Here is a link check it out
At 12:02 PM,
K_Dense73 said…
Looking at Cruise's movie list, I was surprised to find I like most of them. Who doesn't like
Top Gun?
At 2:15 PM,
Hope said…
Firstly, I have NEVER liked Tom Cruise. I've always felt that he looks like a weasel and I don't like him any better now that he acts like a squirrel.
Secondly, are you kidding? You'd be an awesome Marine.
At 12:31 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
I don't have feelings either way about Tom Cruise. I am ambivalent about this guy.
However, I did like Jerry Maguire and Minority Report.
At 6:10 PM,
FarmWife said…
I loved Legend!!!!!!!! Seriously, but then how can you not love Tim Curry in a 40 lb. head piece?
I liked him in Collateral (but then how can you not like a movie where you hope the couch jumping freak gets shot in the head?)
Never understood what women saw in him. I always thought he was kinda dorky looking and now he's just insane...I have 3 questions:
#1. What medical school did he get his psychiatry degree from?
#2. What year did he graduate?
#3. When was the last time he suffered from PPD?
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