Big party.
Well Yesterday was the big party.
My dad, bro's girlfriend and I went to decorate on Friday. I took Ragged's advice and put some very pretty pansies out on the table. We put up balloons, and a few other small items. My bro's girlfriend gave Yin a sugar daddy on a stick and we heard nothing from her. I nicely told her that I don't allow my kids suckers or the like until they are 4 and will sit down and eat them. I hate suckers. Big Mess. My dad carefully watched Yin and the first chance we got we took the candy and replaced with something else. Anyway back on track...
My gram has been giving me Ruby glass from a very early age. I love Ruby glass, but my home is staring to fill up! I had decided to give her back some RG. She said just save it for a special occassion and then give it back. So I put some of the pieces that I was going to give her and put them on the table for added decorations. We warned the kids that if the broke the dishes we would be beating them. Hee Hee.
So for very little cost to me the place looked nice. We all said Happy Birthday to my Gram as she walked in. We didn't want to scream and give her a heart attack. She was very pleased the only person that wasn't there was my bro in Iraq and my cousin in the military (probably getting ready to go to Iraq).
Many people stopped in for a visit, and a nice time was had by all. I was getting ready to leave around 3. Yin had still not had a nap due to the timing of the festivities. My Aunt told everyone two or three times that I had done the decorating which was nice. As I was starting to leave she asked when I would be back to take the decorations down. I just kept loading up my stuff and took the few things that I wanted back, and left the rest of the stuff.
I guess she thinks that since I don't have a job I don't do anything all day... I am NOT going to let her ruin this day for me.
A small know fact is that my Gram's birthday is March 21, and my other Gram in heaven's birthday is March 20 so Happy Birthday to two of my most favorite people! I love you Grams'!
My dad, bro's girlfriend and I went to decorate on Friday. I took Ragged's advice and put some very pretty pansies out on the table. We put up balloons, and a few other small items. My bro's girlfriend gave Yin a sugar daddy on a stick and we heard nothing from her. I nicely told her that I don't allow my kids suckers or the like until they are 4 and will sit down and eat them. I hate suckers. Big Mess. My dad carefully watched Yin and the first chance we got we took the candy and replaced with something else. Anyway back on track...
My gram has been giving me Ruby glass from a very early age. I love Ruby glass, but my home is staring to fill up! I had decided to give her back some RG. She said just save it for a special occassion and then give it back. So I put some of the pieces that I was going to give her and put them on the table for added decorations. We warned the kids that if the broke the dishes we would be beating them. Hee Hee.
So for very little cost to me the place looked nice. We all said Happy Birthday to my Gram as she walked in. We didn't want to scream and give her a heart attack. She was very pleased the only person that wasn't there was my bro in Iraq and my cousin in the military (probably getting ready to go to Iraq).
Many people stopped in for a visit, and a nice time was had by all. I was getting ready to leave around 3. Yin had still not had a nap due to the timing of the festivities. My Aunt told everyone two or three times that I had done the decorating which was nice. As I was starting to leave she asked when I would be back to take the decorations down. I just kept loading up my stuff and took the few things that I wanted back, and left the rest of the stuff.
I guess she thinks that since I don't have a job I don't do anything all day... I am NOT going to let her ruin this day for me.
A small know fact is that my Gram's birthday is March 21, and my other Gram in heaven's birthday is March 20 so Happy Birthday to two of my most favorite people! I love you Grams'!
At 10:37 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Sounds like it went really well. A good time was had by all. Glad it went smoothly for you and your Gram had a great day: that's the most important part
At 4:53 PM,
Ramblin73 said…
Oh that's cool baby. You know how it is, rockin' an' rollin' an' what not.
Greese didn't make the cut this time. Maybe next time.
At 8:57 PM,
Rudy said…
Happy Bdays Grams All Around
At 3:29 PM,
FarmWife said…
Glad the party wasn't a complete headache! And that Grams liked it and you got props!
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