If I had a whole day to myself!!

I often dream of things that I would do if I had an entire day to myself. I realize this may sound a little selfish, but sometimes...
1. Have a good sitter so I would not worry about munchkins.
2. Have my haircut, colored, eyebrows waxed, manicure and pedicure.
3. Shop at only the stores for grown up people.
4. Shop for myself. Maybe there are jans out there that I would like.
5. Find a pair of sandals that I love and stair at my new toes.
6. Eat a leisure lunch at a restraunt of my choice and not worry about the cost.
7. Go to a book store and get lost...
8. Find myself.
9. Remind myseld not to worry about kids.
10. Sing the wrong words to songs without getting corrected.
11. Take an hour long bath and pamper myself.
12. Break down and look at cute clothes for kids.
13. Watch chick movies...
14. Get lots of tissue.
15. Admire my "new" self in the mirror and tell Rudy how much I saved him buy getting things on sale.
Okay, I will quit complaining. Time to get back to reality, maybe I will have time to shave my legs today
At 11:23 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Some day we can plan a day like that, just for you. Sounds wonderful
At 9:11 PM,
FarmWife said…
I'm with you on the book store thing! They have to drag me out kicking and screaming.
At 2:46 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Testing. Testing. 1. . . 2. . . 3
Still having trouble posting comments?
At 3:27 PM,
Brando said…
THis is the 1st time in two days that I could look at the comments!
At 8:18 PM,
needlefingers said…
Did you ever try the hydromassage? I finally used the gift certificate you gave me, uh . . . two years ago, and now I'm hooked. I'm thinking it needs to be a once-a-week thing.
At 9:21 PM,
Brando said…
Oh How I love the hydro massage. The world is a MUCH better place after the relaxation! I could easily get addicted!!
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