Yin's New Words
It seems that each day Yin is learning a new word and how to use it. Yuri will often say words and then ask Yin to say the word. Some of the best are purple, yellow, dinosaur, and koala. She almost always complies.
Yin: eat
Mommy: Do you want to eat? ( Read somewhere that it is important to repeat what they say.)
Yin: Shakes head Yes
Mommy: What do you want to eat?
Yin: toat
Mommy: Do you want to eat toast? (Toast is a brand new word that we have never even practiced!)
Yin: Runs ahead of me to the toaster
She is becoming such a big girl. She still will only call me Mom and not Mommy, but I am not willing to give up my Mommy status for Mom yet!
Yin: eat
Mommy: Do you want to eat? ( Read somewhere that it is important to repeat what they say.)
Yin: Shakes head Yes
Mommy: What do you want to eat?
Yin: toat
Mommy: Do you want to eat toast? (Toast is a brand new word that we have never even practiced!)
Yin: Runs ahead of me to the toaster
She is becoming such a big girl. She still will only call me Mom and not Mommy, but I am not willing to give up my Mommy status for Mom yet!
At 2:26 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Wow, she's really picking it up. I bet Yuri loves teaching her.
At 9:15 PM,
K_Dense73 said…
Hey. I had the same conversation with Ragged this morning. Interesting. ;)
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