Happy Heart's Day a little late!

I must admit that I am somewhat mechanically challenged it took me a few days to get my pics posted. Dear Rudy stopped and brought me home these beauties on heart's day. He knows the perfect flowers to get me! I love carnations, tulips, and lilies. He also got me a card and sent an e-card. I Love you, my sweet Rudy! Since my coworkers are limited to my mulitple personalities we take turns enjoying the flowers. He is going to get me another present. I am pretty sure that it is a treadmill since we have been reserching them for a month.
I bought him an Illinois State Geocoin. It is a beautiful coin that looks like a penny. I will try to find a pic!
Oh! I also shaved my legs!
For Christmas I asked for only practicle gifts from NeNe and Papa How. Much to my delight I was blessed with Kleenex, Bleach Pens, Fabric Softener and the likes. I also asked for a new razor. I told NeNe the perfect on to get. It was in a pink package Venus Vibrance. As I sat in the tub preparing to shave I opened the package when out popped a battery! Battery? what is this for? I popped it in the razor and BZZZZZZ! It began to vibrate! I giggled for quite sometime thinking how Samantha on Sex and the City would LOVE this razor. I shaved my legs that was all I was willing to risk at the time.
At 3:23 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
OK, so you gotta SPAMMED big time, need to set up a block so they have to enter letters to post something.
Your V-day sounds wonderful and you are so right: Samantha would be loving that razor.
At 6:37 PM,
Rudy said…
Happy Valentines Day Brando.
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