Trouble with Tribbles

Okay. This is my FAVORITE episode of Startrek. I also loved it when DS9 went back to this episode and had to interact with members of the original cast. The thing about why Worf looked the way he did "We don't talk about that" comparing the way Klingons looked in the 60's episodes always makes me laugh.
Why is she posting about this you ask? Because I think that my laundry has turned into Tribbles! Each day there is another hamper and another and another until today ever hamper that I own which is 5 was FULL of laundry and there was more laundry laying on the floor. I know you are all thinking that I am lazy and do not do laundry, but last Friday EVERY piece of clothing,towels, blankets, sheets, and coats were clean!
Can someone please explain this mystery to me?
Pilot, I will send you some money for you theraphy bill after yesterdays post!
At 8:58 PM,
Rudy said…
I know why there is so much laundry. But I better not say and still show up tomarrow morning. No I am just kidding. The person that does the laundry in the house has GREAT POWER, and we all know that with GREAT POWER comes GREAT RESPOSIBILITY, and with that GREAT RESPOSIBILITY come more laundry. Its a vicious cycle. Plus I get dirty. Love Ya
At 6:25 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
I have not been able to determine how, in our case, two people can create so much laundry and trash. I mean, how much can two people wear and throw away. It's crazy.
I do a load of laundry at least once a day. Where does it all come from.
At 8:21 AM,
FarmWife said…
When I lived with Art we did laundry once a month. Grant it we took up an entire row of washers at the laundry-mat, but if I did that now, I'd take up the entire laundry-mat! I think dirty unerpants breed like rabbits in the hamper. Why can't they do it when they're clean? Then we may never have to do the wash again!
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