Bing,Bang, Boom!
I am sure that most of you know that I am very accident prone. If some type of accident is going to happen it will almost always happen to me :(
Yesterday we were taking Yin and Yuri to Rudy's work for an Easter egg hunt. We went to eat Chinese food and then we were on our way to the refinery. We got out of the car. I was carrying Yin, her bag, and my purse, all in all about 40-45 extra pounds, usually Rudy will carry something. He is a great help, but since he has been gone so much it has became habit for me to pack all that junk.
As I started to step on the curb my right ankle gave out. I have bird ankles. My hand can almost go aroung my ankle it will just verily not reach. It was all in slow motion from there. I was trying eveything I could to get my balance back. I did not want to fall and land on little Yin! Nothing could be done so I threw myself on my knees in an attempt to break her fall. There was a stair case right in front of me and all I could see was me bouncing her head on that concrete step.
Well... Yin was crying and I was trying to get up. I am usually good with mom things. I can catch vomit in my hands NO PROBLEM (ask Pilot he can confirm this)!
However, I could feel blood running down my leg. UGH! That was making me sick to my stomach. Yin was crying people were asking me if I was alright and other STUPID people were trying to push their kids past us to get inside for the EGG HUNT! Really I kid you not! Rudy got mad. He was mad at how the people were acting around us plus he has had almost no sleep for a month. Then all of a sudden a very nice voice broke thru the crowd and the ringing in my head. She offered to take me inside and clean me up. As we were all in the ladies bathroom Rudy and Yuri included. (Yuri found that the woman's bathroom was very nice because there is a couch in there. Not sure why?!?) Anywho... I rolled up my torn jeans leg, of course those were my FAVORITE pants. UGH! I told Tonya that I was sorry I had not shaved my legs that day. She got me all doctored up including the cuts on my hands and face.
Off to the egg hunt we went.
Later at home. I was sitting on Rudy's lap in the chair, and Yin started crying. Miss DO NOT TOUCH MY DADDY was mad. I picked her up and we all sat there together for a few minutes when all of a sudden she turned her big block head and busted my lip open. Not on the inside. No!!! I look like I fought a boxer and lost! Great lets just add some insult to my injuries!! I finally got everyone in bed. Yuri had complained of an earache. I put the pain drops in and started him on an antibiotic. I knew he had an ear infection, but was hoping that we could make it to the doctor on Monday. Nope at 12:40 am I heard and odd noise. It was Yuri crying hard that his ear was in alot of pain. Yuri has a high pain tolerance. He is a little whimpy with some things, but since he had a circumsion at 3 and NEVER cried. I think his pain tolerence is high. He kept crying until he vomited which of course made the ear worse. We are going to the ER. This is at the hospital where Pilot works, and since I worked for one of the local doctors for three years. I was hoping to get any of the doctors other than the one I got.
Dr Carr was a little on the short side. I guess he didn't like getting work up at 1:00am. He treated me like I was one of THOSE moms. You know the one's that usually have aid (not that all aid mom's are like that because some are definately NOT, but a good portion of the ones I have dealt with would often take their kids to the ER because they overslept and missed their 11:30 appointments). I would not be there unless I thought it was absolutely necessary!
He asked what kind of medicine usually worked the best and I told him the one that Yuri usually gets Omnicef. It is a broad antibitoic that works quickly and tastes good. He looked a little shocked that I knew this info. The nurse, who was a man, was great (I know him from my old job), and that made the experience much better. I brought Yuri home and he was able to get some sleep and felt much better today! Thanks goodness.
Today was a good day we worked in the yard and picked up sticks. My back is killing me, but the more I do the better it is supposed to feel. I began to make Taco Ring for supper. You cook the meat and roll Cresent rolls into a cirlce(easier said than done) then you put meat and cheese inside and cover with another cresent roll and bake. It makes the mat very sweet tasting and the gang here loves it. Anywho... As I cut the lettuce... You guess it I cut my other hand the one with out all the cuts from yesterday's fall. Seriously tomorrow I AM STAYING IN BED!!!!
Stay turned... All of you know that Yuri and Yin will NEVER let me stay in bed! Sorry for the typos and bad grammer, but I can only use half of my fingers. Hunt and peck has taken on a whole new meaning.
Yesterday we were taking Yin and Yuri to Rudy's work for an Easter egg hunt. We went to eat Chinese food and then we were on our way to the refinery. We got out of the car. I was carrying Yin, her bag, and my purse, all in all about 40-45 extra pounds, usually Rudy will carry something. He is a great help, but since he has been gone so much it has became habit for me to pack all that junk.
As I started to step on the curb my right ankle gave out. I have bird ankles. My hand can almost go aroung my ankle it will just verily not reach. It was all in slow motion from there. I was trying eveything I could to get my balance back. I did not want to fall and land on little Yin! Nothing could be done so I threw myself on my knees in an attempt to break her fall. There was a stair case right in front of me and all I could see was me bouncing her head on that concrete step.
Well... Yin was crying and I was trying to get up. I am usually good with mom things. I can catch vomit in my hands NO PROBLEM (ask Pilot he can confirm this)!
However, I could feel blood running down my leg. UGH! That was making me sick to my stomach. Yin was crying people were asking me if I was alright and other STUPID people were trying to push their kids past us to get inside for the EGG HUNT! Really I kid you not! Rudy got mad. He was mad at how the people were acting around us plus he has had almost no sleep for a month. Then all of a sudden a very nice voice broke thru the crowd and the ringing in my head. She offered to take me inside and clean me up. As we were all in the ladies bathroom Rudy and Yuri included. (Yuri found that the woman's bathroom was very nice because there is a couch in there. Not sure why?!?) Anywho... I rolled up my torn jeans leg, of course those were my FAVORITE pants. UGH! I told Tonya that I was sorry I had not shaved my legs that day. She got me all doctored up including the cuts on my hands and face.
Off to the egg hunt we went.
Later at home. I was sitting on Rudy's lap in the chair, and Yin started crying. Miss DO NOT TOUCH MY DADDY was mad. I picked her up and we all sat there together for a few minutes when all of a sudden she turned her big block head and busted my lip open. Not on the inside. No!!! I look like I fought a boxer and lost! Great lets just add some insult to my injuries!! I finally got everyone in bed. Yuri had complained of an earache. I put the pain drops in and started him on an antibiotic. I knew he had an ear infection, but was hoping that we could make it to the doctor on Monday. Nope at 12:40 am I heard and odd noise. It was Yuri crying hard that his ear was in alot of pain. Yuri has a high pain tolerance. He is a little whimpy with some things, but since he had a circumsion at 3 and NEVER cried. I think his pain tolerence is high. He kept crying until he vomited which of course made the ear worse. We are going to the ER. This is at the hospital where Pilot works, and since I worked for one of the local doctors for three years. I was hoping to get any of the doctors other than the one I got.
Dr Carr was a little on the short side. I guess he didn't like getting work up at 1:00am. He treated me like I was one of THOSE moms. You know the one's that usually have aid (not that all aid mom's are like that because some are definately NOT, but a good portion of the ones I have dealt with would often take their kids to the ER because they overslept and missed their 11:30 appointments). I would not be there unless I thought it was absolutely necessary!
He asked what kind of medicine usually worked the best and I told him the one that Yuri usually gets Omnicef. It is a broad antibitoic that works quickly and tastes good. He looked a little shocked that I knew this info. The nurse, who was a man, was great (I know him from my old job), and that made the experience much better. I brought Yuri home and he was able to get some sleep and felt much better today! Thanks goodness.
Today was a good day we worked in the yard and picked up sticks. My back is killing me, but the more I do the better it is supposed to feel. I began to make Taco Ring for supper. You cook the meat and roll Cresent rolls into a cirlce(easier said than done) then you put meat and cheese inside and cover with another cresent roll and bake. It makes the mat very sweet tasting and the gang here loves it. Anywho... As I cut the lettuce... You guess it I cut my other hand the one with out all the cuts from yesterday's fall. Seriously tomorrow I AM STAYING IN BED!!!!
Stay turned... All of you know that Yuri and Yin will NEVER let me stay in bed! Sorry for the typos and bad grammer, but I can only use half of my fingers. Hunt and peck has taken on a whole new meaning.
At 8:31 AM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Oh, Brando. I hurt just reading that. How are you today? Sore? Bruised? Cut up?
You need a day to rest and relax. I get clumsy when I have too much going on, so lighten the load, sista. Hang in there.
I hope today is much better.
At 12:35 PM,
K_Dense73 said…
For the love of Pete...whoever that is. What else could happen? I probably shouldn't say that. Watch for falling objects!
At 4:19 PM,
FarmWife said…
Poor Brando! Honey, as an official memeber of Clutzy Mom's of Illinois, I can feel your pain...litteraly! Hope the knee, lip, and finger are healing...and that the ear infection dulls down! In the mean time, call Grandma to baby sit and take a nap!
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