About Me
- Name: Brando
- Location: Southern Illinois, United States
I am a Stay at Home Mom with two small kids. Yuri and Yin they are the bright lights in my life. I have been married to my great hubby for almost 13 years, and he still manages to surprise me.
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Previous Posts
- Great Weekend
- Bing,Bang, Boom!
- You can't Handle the Truth!
- Trouble with Tribbles
- And the Marrakesh Express keeps on Rolling
- Seinfeld
- Answers
- Trivia for the movie challenged.
- Strange Encounters at Stride Rite
- It's a Boy!
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At 4:01 PM,
FarmWife said…
Where is Lincoln Trail St. Park? I know of one just out side of Springfield...is it the same one?
At 7:01 PM,
Brando said…
Lincoln Trail State Park is located just about two miles south of Marshall, Illiniois. Marshall is just across the river from Terre Haute, Indiana. It is a really nice park. VERY HILLY!
At 4:45 PM,
FarmWife said…
I know Marshal... we pass through on the way to Grandma M&M's house! It looks beautiful!
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