Brando's Bloggins

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend Recap

Well for most of the weekend I was sick with the yuckies coming from both ends. Yeah, I know Too Much Information.

On Saturday, I was feeling a little better and took Yin and Yuri to Burger King. We ate lunch and then played in the play area. There is no ball pit, so that makes me happy. I told them that they could play for 15 minutes, then 10 mintues, then 5 minutes, and then at 1 minute. Yin decided she wanted to go down the slide. Well, it is a little too big for her to climb up in, but Yuri being the big helper that he is, he lifted her. She loved being in the tunnels and slide down the slide FAST! She just giggled and wanted to do it again. It appeared to be raining. I said, no, we were going to Wal-mart. I went outside and it was freezing rain, sleet balls... So we went home. Within a few hours all the fields around us were flooded, and the water was over the road. I was sure that we needed to build an Ark. It howled and blew!! WoW! Talk about storm of the century.

On Sunday, everyone was well and we finally we to the grocery store. We had 2 gallons of expired milk. One had 1/8th left it was Chocolate, and one had 1/4th left and it was white. Yuri had to use Princess Milk aka Pink Milk for his cereal. No one felt well enough to use the milk, and I DO NOT drink Milk. Further, all expired products are thrown away immediately for fear of bad eggs. We went to Wal-mart and got most of the stuff, then we went to eat Chinese. It was kind of a waste, no one ate much, except Yin who loves her "lice" aka rice. Then off to Save-A-lot for can goods. Why is creamed corn $.49 cents at Wal-Mart and only $.39 at S-A-L? This is where I get almost all my canned goods, they are much cheaper... Usually. After that we made a quick stop at Buehlars for soda for Rudy, and then we were home to unload an entire van full of stuff.

All in all, it was a very uneventful weekend. I did finish reading my new JD Robb, murder mystery, but that was about it. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


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