Brando's Bloggins

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Packing & Smacking

I can't tell you how much I am ready to go on our trip!!! Since I am an Orginization Freak I have everthing planned and ready to go. Well as planned as I can be with Yin and Yuri.

Last night we started the dreaded packing. I HATE to pack. Rudy will throw three shrits in a Wal-Mart bag and be ready to go, but I have to pack for Yuri, Yin, and myself. So last night I was telling each person what to get and Rudy was standing behind me with a very confused look on his face. I think he was trying to offer support, but clothing is NOT his strong suit. In no time I was being to stressed out. There is so much stuff to pack especially for Yin. In no time at all I was ready to blow!!

Rudy is a very smart man, but for some reason he cannot pick out clothes. I hang clothes together, but for some reason he seems to get the green shirt and pink pants. OH Well, We are 85% packed, and ready to go!


In other news, I went to get a hair cut. I have not been at all pleased with my hair lately. I showed the lady a pic, and I am pretty sure that she cur it like the pic below the one I picked out. It's not too bad, just a lot shorter than I am used to. She waxed my eyebrows and I feel human again! I was being to look like a scary bush woman with one brow!


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