Brando's Bloggins

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Down for the count

Well, today Yin is in full cannot breath mode. I am taking her to the doctor at 1pm. We considered taking her to the ER, but were able to hold off. Insert MAJOR new insurance PENALTY rant here relating to ER.

She is better in a sitting or standing, but can't breath and gurgles in a laying position. We got up with her at 2am... Gave here a breathing treatment and she was somewhat better. I was up until 4am and then Rudy, best husband and daddy in the world, stayed up with her until 6 am when it was time for him to go to work. He is going on 4 hours sleep.

Pray that they can give me something to make her better fast. I wish I knew what was in the air in the "Promised Land" that her little body can't take. It has been warmer there so maybe the pollen count is up.

In other news:

I got Yin's room CLEAN, Yuri's room Clean, and the livingroom done! The dining room and kitchen are on the list for today. Hopefully, I can get it done. Tomorrow Yuri and I have dental appointments. I really, really, REALLY, dislike going to the dentist. I like my denist and cleaning lady, but Yikes! I hate the entire process.

My cousin recently told our family that she is Pregnant with #4. They have three girls and really wanted a boy. My gram called today and said that it is a boy. I am very happy for them. I am not sure how they do it she is 23. When the baby is born they will have a 6, 3, and 19 month old and a newborn! WOWZA! I cannot imgine having 4 kids at 23, but Yuri did not come along until I was 27 and I was 32 when Yin arrived.

Have a good one! OH, and tonight is IDOL! Me and Yuri are ready!

Oh! One more thing, last night I made arrangment from Hope and me. We got at a $110 - 3 1/2 star room for $60. I love name your own price at priceline and I used my ebates, so I saved and additional 2%. We are staying at the Embassy suits., I love them, in a two room suite!!! We are trying to pick a movie to go and see, find all the used book stores, knitting shops, and other great places. I wanted to see Premonition, with Sanda Bullock and Julian McMahon, but it starts next Friday. Boohoo!


Well I took Yin to the doctor. He indicated that it is sinusitis. He sent me to the hospital to have her neck x-rayed to see her Adnoids, and if they are causing problems. If they are he wants us to have them removed, I am not in love with the doctor that did her tubes, and will be looking for someone else. We had no real problems with the tube surgery or the after effects, but the doctor is a little odd. We got to see Kunkle Pilot at the Hospital. I bet we were the high point of his day! NOT!

I got the final paperwork done on the Blazer today, I am so glad!! The lady that bought it made Yin an Easter basket. Just an FYI--- We know these people. I wouldn't take candy from strangers.

Well, the rest of the house did not get cleaned, but I will beat Rudy into helping pretty soon.

Keep Yin in your prayers.


  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    Poor Yin! Keep us posted.

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger FarmWife said…

    Praying for Yin! Hope they can give her something to clear it all up quickly.

    When we moved south, everyone told my mom that if we didn't have allergies, we would. Now we all do. Maybe it's a southern thing.

    I love the pink and green in Yin's room! So sweet & girly!

  • At 5:19 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    Good luck on getting your dead beat husband to help you clean the house.


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