Brando's Bloggins

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Need a REALLY good laugh!

Okay, so I will admit it. I am evil. Not Kenny vs Spenny evil, but evil in my own little way.

Today I stopped at the local IGA and got some chocolate covered Long Johns. So I was enjoying my Long John when a big amount of the icing blopped on my hand. So... my evil plan was born.

I ran into the bathroom as my Dear Sweet Unsuspecting Rudy was in the shower. I made some noises like Oh, My STOMACH.... OH... Then I said Oh no!!!!! To which Rudy looks out of the shower to check on me. I had taken some toilet paper and smeared the chocolate everywhere. It did look bad. His face went stark white. and wrinkled with disgust. I started giggling. He said YOU ARE GROSS!! I was laughing hysterically then as he was looking at me and I licked my fingers, and then I explained that it was icing. To bad I could not have licked my fingers earlier that WOULD have been the biggest gross out ever.

Oh Yes, I am evil. I am also afraid of the payback.