Can you name the oceans??? Think this over. There is the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Artic. Yuri is working on learning the Oceans and the continents. Well guess what in 2000 they "discovered" a new Ocean. WHERE WAS I??? It is called the Southern Ocean.
You may not want to use me as your phone a friend. I used to know stuff like this. I only hope that there is still just seven Continents. Help! I am officially old and out of the loop!
You may not want to use me as your phone a friend. I used to know stuff like this. I only hope that there is still just seven Continents. Help! I am officially old and out of the loop!
At 8:24 PM, Rudy said…
Where the heck was I when this earth shattering new was released about this new ocean??? STOP THE PRESSES!!!!
At 9:51 AM, Ragged Around the Edges said…
Maybe Yuri can be our phone-a-friend.
At 9:52 AM, Ragged Around the Edges said…
On second thought he'd probably pawn it off on George.
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