Brando's Bloggins

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Got Four Girls on my Tail...

I can honestly say that I was not expecting my 7 year old son to be saying these words to me for at least 10 more years. It seems that there are four girls in his class that "wanna go out" another quote. I guess some of the girls are mad at each other and it seems to be turning into quite a little soap opera. I have told Yuri that he can't have a girlfriend until he is at least 22 and finishing up his BS and getting ready to start medical school! I try to encourage him to just be friends with them all and that he doesn't need a girlfriend. Rudy on the other hand is a little jealous. I guess it has been awhile since he has had four girls on his tail. Hee Hee!

In other news the seven year itch has been healing nicely. I got my beloved poison ivy shot. YEAH!! They also put me on some meds that keep me up ALL night, make me sweat through two night shirts, and leave a yucky taste in my mouth, but the itch is almost gone. I will try and not complain to much.

Yin has taking to wanting to have a party every night from 2 am until 4 am. This makes it very difficult to get any rest, but since I have been up the last two nights sweating it hasn't been horrible. Okay, It has still been horrible.

We have been working very hard on getting our yard decorated for Halloween. We took back a haunted house and built a crypt of sorts to hold our jump out guy Mort. Rudy is such a talented artist. It really looks GREAT! This was one of my ideas that he ACTUALLY said was a "good idea".

Monday I went for an interview for the job, and then I called after the interview and asked them to remove my name from consideration. I desperatly want some time for myself, but financially it would have worked out to about $4.00 per hour after taxes, child care, gas, and other misc expenses. Rudy and I both felt that my time is worth more than $4.00 per hour. So to give us a little extra funds for Christmas Rudy has volunteered for some overtime. His OT for 2 hours is what I would be bring home in a week. I am so grateful that I have a husband that works so hard for us.

Well... Tonight is the premier for LOST. I am so excited, but I know that they will probably not reveal any answers to my many questions!! Friday is the premier for Battlestar!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!! Rudy got the X-Men Movie yesterday, and it was really good. I liked it. You never know if 2nd or 3rd movies will be anygood, but I liked the little twists. I was still waiting for Jay and Silent Bob to jump out and yell " Woliverine Style ... Swishy Swish.", but they never did.

Right now Yin is sitting on the potty, but all she is doing is sitting. She is wearing a pair of Yuri's underpants. I guess she has discovered the secret that mens underwear are comfy.

Well I guess that I am a little all over the place today!!! BTW, Did I mention how very much that I love FALL!!! I LOVE FALL!!! I LOVE FALL!!!


  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    That was the best idea in the world. When you suggested the Mausoleum I thought that it was an excellent idea. I am glad that you came up with the idea. I dont think that a better idea could be came up with for our yard haunt. Kudos to you. Love ya.

  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    Also I told Yuri to tell the girls at his school that he gets his good looks from his dad. He said, "Yeah right!" I am not sure how to take that...?

  • At 1:08 PM, Blogger Inkling said…

    You are so funny, and your husband sounds sweet and very caring.....not to mention confident in his own handsomeness. =)

    I'm glad your poison ivy is getting better. That is no fun at all. Although, I'm not sure I'd be willing to brave the yucky medicine. I'd need an awfully lot of chocolate to down that stuff.


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