Brando's Bloggins

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Two in a ROW!!

Last night Yin slept in her bed again all night!!! Yeah! I finally feel like I have cuaght up on some sleep. Today we are finishing up some of the final Halloween things. We are almost done setting thigns out and we still have a grage full of items! Hhmmm... We are going to try and not get anything after Halloween. There are a few things that we both like a Spencers, from Spirit Halloween, but their stuff is expensive.

Someone told Ed, our neighbor, that it looks like Demon alley out here. That's to bad cause we were really going for the Hell Monkey look, but what can ya do? I am not sure how some blow mold pumpkins and a couple of fake cemeteries warrant demon alley, you never know.

Today we have been listening to Sirius radio on our Dish Network. The song Carrie by Europe came on and I was dancing with Yin. Each time the would sing Carrie. I would sing Yin's name. She loved it. On a side note I love Carrie, but I want to hang myself each time I hear "The Final Countdown". That do do do doo, do do do doo... Well you get the idea!!! UGH!!!

Tomorrow I am supposed to go to Indy with a friend to the mother ship, aka Gymboree. It is one of the big sales. I have to admit that my kids need no clothes, but I have 50% of coupons. So... Help I need to go to Gymboree Anonymous. Hi. My name is Brando, and I am a gymboholic.

Well last night was Battlestar. I have to admit I was not a fan of the way that the last season ended. Was is a dream? Was it real? What happen to Apollo? Well after last night, I have to admit that I am so IN LOVE with this show. I think that this is probably the best show on TV. It is NOT for kids. Wow Wee! I am gald that they put the parental advisory every few minutes, just in case I got a stupid spell and forgot.

Battlestar thoughts:

1. Please put Apollo on Weight watchers or leave his shirt ON!! (I vote for weight watchers).

2. Tell Gaius, dude from Bridget Jones Diary, now the new president, to PLEASE cut his greasy hair.

3. Have Adama shave that catepillar on his lip.

Yes, I realise that they made these changes to make it look like a year has passed, but some changes are not right.



Why would they show a big execution seen at the end, only to show one of the executed people in next weeks preview? I mean we didn't even get to wonder for a week.


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger K_Dense73 said…

    I wondered the same thing (execution scene and ex-president in previews for next week), but there was also a hint that somehow the greasy haired guy is a cylon, so one could conjecture that the ex-president could be one too, though that's a stretch.


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