Brando's Bloggins

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Leaves gotta leave- week in review

This past week has been crazy. We were blessed to have a great TOT crowd. I think that the final count was 92, that is a lot of kids! We have only one small ziplock bag of candy left. The local newspaper came and took Rudy's pic and he was on the cover. I am very proud of his decorations. He does a really good job. He and Piolt should open and business of making propts they have the best most creative items.

Wednesday, Hope and I were going to go and do some shopping in Evansville. The day did not start off good I back my blazer into her blazer. UGH!!! She was very nice about the whole thing. We called the police and got an accident report. Luckily there was only $200.00 worth of damage. So, we paid it out of pocket. We did not need a claim on our insurance. At Evansville, we were able to go to all our favorite stores including a new used book store. I got a few things for Rudy at Spencer's their items were 75% off and then I had a coupon for another 50% off in addition to the first sale. I was able to get $124 for $19.00 not to bad.

Yin went to our sitters JC's. It has been a long time since she has been there probably Feb or March. She walked in and started playing with the toys like she had not missed a day. When she got home I asked her how the day was each time she would say "share". I don't know if this meant that she shared or didn't share, but knowing my little angel it was probably the second.

On Wednesday, I noticed that my gland in my neck was hurting on the right side. I am sad to say that it has just gotten worse. It has also radiated into my jaw. The pain is horrible it hurts like after a teeth cleaning. I plan to go to the doctor tomorrow. The gland is so painful that it hurts when the wind blows on it.

Nothing much happened on Thursday or Friday.

Yesterday and today we raked two acres worth of leaves, put away all the Halloween decorations, cleaned the house, mowed the lawn... I hurt in places I didn't know that I could hurt in. About ten minutes into the yard raking Rudy broke the rake. It really stinks to rake designed for a small person.

Today while we were outside we blew the leaves into my dad's field. Well here comes the horses. I thought that horses are supposed to be afraid of fire. Not our crazy horses. They stood about 2 feet from the blaze just watching. Yin escaped from me and tried to climb underneath of one of the horses. Luckily, Thank the Lord, he just stood there blowing out his nose at her. (This is how horses make friends. They blow into each others nose.) I grabbed Yin and she hugged Cowboy, the horse. Well, she wanted more. I took her over to Snoopy, and I placed her onto his back. She grinned from ear to ear. The laid forward and put her head on his withers, closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him. She just laid there for probably ten minutes. Finally, I had to get back to work and got her down. I guess she is going to be my cowgirl. As a child, I would go into my horses stall and do the exact same thing. A few times, my mom came out and I was asleep on the horse. I really miss that...

I am so glad that the bulk of the yard and garage work are done. It makes me feel great when we get stuff done over the weekend.

Tonight Rudy started on nights. He will work on nights for at least two weeks. I pray that he is done in time for our Thanksgiving plans at nine and Papa How's. We have not missed a Thanksgiving there since 1991.


  • At 8:19 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    Whew..Im glad thats over with. Love ya.


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