Brando's Bloggins

Monday, November 27, 2006

Where for art thou.... Brando?

I must admit that I have been horrible with my blogging. I am very sorry to the hundreds of people that check in daily. ;) With my dear Rudy working the crazy shift. I couldn't bring myself to post. I would find myself coming up with awesome entertaining posts, but no energy.


Things I am thankful for:

1. Rudy is done with nights. I know that is selfish, but we love to have Rudy at home.

Okay, my real list:

1. I am thankful for My family. I am so blessed to have a small family in which my kids call my cousins Aunt and Uncle. I am lucky to have Aunts and Uncles that have been great to me all of my life. I have been given in my life Granparents that have shaped and molded me into the person I am. They are all the things good in me. My beloved Gram, oh how I miss her.

2. I am thankful for Rudy's family. They have all accepted me into their large group and small group with such joy. I feel blessed to visit and be in their company.

3. I am thankful for my parents. My mom is a work horse and my dad sometimes has the temper of a small child, which I must have inherited, but I love my mom and daddy dearly. My mom is one of my best firends. She would work her hands to the bone for anyone that asked. She is like a mamma bear and will defend her cubs to the very end. Never make my mom mad it isn't pretty. My daddy is like putty in my hands. I love the way that he cries at movies and tries to pretend that he isn't... My daddy. They have been great grandparents to our kids. They have always loved them without any restrictions. It does my heart good to see them cuddeling with the kids or wrestling in the floor.

4. I am thankful for my mother and father in law. They are the BEST. I have come to love them like my own. My MIL is a super woman. She has such strenght and determination. My FIL is one of the greatest men that I know. I could not ask for better grandparents. The love that they show my kids is amazing. I often wondered with them moving and seeing the kids a few times a year if the kids would forget about them or be shy, but they never are. Yin and Yuri ask about them both on a daily basis. My kids are lucky to have them in their lives.

5. I am thankful for my brothers. I will admit. They drive me CRAZY, but sibling love alllows for that. I am thankful that Choi has come home safely once again from defending our country. I am thankful that B'O is starting to grow into an adult :). I am also thankful for B'O's bro's MegMeg. She has giving me one of the greatest gifts... a nephew that I love so very much.

6. I am thankful for Pilot. I have know pilot since I was 12 years old. He is fiercly loyal, unwaveringly kind, and has a bigger heart than he would want anyone to know. I know that in a pinch he will always be there to help. He is an awesome man and a super Kunkle. The likes of which this very Am. Yin was asking for Nene and I said do you love NeNe? She said Nene and Kunkle. :) I am also thankful that Needles has come into both our lives. She takes such good care of Pilot with her kind gentle spirit, vast knowledge, and the ability to craft anything. She is a wonderful addition to our family. I am so glad that they found each other.

7. My blogging family. I am glad to read and be a part of the lives of the ones we hold dear in this special way. I know that many of my loved ones are just a click away.

8. Sales at the Gymboree.. Okay Okay... back to the serious stuff.

9. I am thankful for my friends. We are very lucky to have three couples that are so dear to our hearts. Of these couples is my best pal MeiMei's mommy. She is the best friend that anyone could ask for. She has laughed with me, cried with me, and celebrated with me. She has been there in the WORST possible situations and the best. I am so glad that one crazy day our husbands thought that we might like each other. I love her so dearly and I am glad each day that she/they are in our lives.

9. I am thankful for Yin and Yuri. They have healed my heart in a way that I never dreamed possible. They have giving me a new sense of love and acceptance that I have never experienced. Yuri is the greatest gift. His sweet smile and bright grey eyes have caputered me heart and soul. From his sweet nerdy laugh to the way he says "Red Slobers". He has been a joy in my life. Yin has made my heartful. The way she looks when she sleeps makes my heart fill up with love for this little hot tempered gal. Her sweet "snow" spot makes me fill with joy when she comes in for "snow" kisses. God has blessed us so much with these kids that I could go on for days.

10. I am thankful for my Rudy who wouldn't "go with me" in the 6th grade. Rudy has given me the greatest gifts in my life his love, his respect, and our kids. Rudy is a hardworker that goes out of his way to provide for our family. His hard work and job is a blessing that I cannot even put into words. Rudy is a big ole teddy bear. He still won't cry at movies, but he has a tender heart. I love this man so much. He is all the things that I am looking for and all the things that I need and never knew. He is my best friend. I am looking forward to another 13 years together and then another 30 after that.

11. I am thankful to God for all these blessings and many, many more.

I look over this list and get a lump in my throat. I am truely BLESSED.


  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    You are blessed. Thanks for sharing with us, it puts everything in perspective.

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger Rudy said…

    What can I say other than I LOVE YOU and our FAMILY. We are truely blessed and the feelings go both ways. I wish I could put into words..... Love You.

  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger FarmWife said…

    I'm with Ragged. You are blessed! It's nice to count our blessings isn't it?


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