Yin is Finally YIN!
I am not going to go in the crazy aspects of adopting a child from another county, but one of the main problems is the Social Security Administration.
IN 2000 President Clinton passed a bill that made most children adopted from other countries automatically citizen's. Yin and Yuri both meet the "automatic" requirements, but for some reason the SSA refuses to recognize this and they make you have proof of citizenship. This can be done two ways a HUGE application thru Immigration or a passort neither are cheap and both require a ton of paperwork. UGH!
When Yin came into our county she entered under her birth name. Of course we wanted to her to share our name so here comes the mess. In order to claim her on our taxes she has to have a social security number. I went to the SSA office with child in tow. "Your child MUST be present to get a social security card." After an hour of waiting the "nice" lady at the window informed me that she had to get her card under her birth name. UGH! Even thought I waited for the Court order and new Illinois Birth Certificate.
So a few weeks ago started doing so research on just getting a card with a name change on it. Surprise, Surprise! You can get a name change without all the extra bull....
I took all my documents to their office this Am. The very first thing the lady asked was if my child was a citizen. "Yes, she is but your office does not recognize the law passed in 2000." I said. "She is not a citizen." replies the office lady. THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!! I calmly reply that "I have done research and she can have her name changed and remain a permanent resident Alien under your guidlines." She looks at me for a minute and confirms that I am right!
So today Yin is offically Yin. She will no longer have to use her birthname to get an insurance policy, a job, or retire! Welcome to America Yin! The land of the left hand doesn't work with the right! The land where laws are passed and other government offices do not abide! This is really a great place to live...
I know, I know it could be much worse. It is just very frustrating to try and follow rules that make no sense at all.
IN 2000 President Clinton passed a bill that made most children adopted from other countries automatically citizen's. Yin and Yuri both meet the "automatic" requirements, but for some reason the SSA refuses to recognize this and they make you have proof of citizenship. This can be done two ways a HUGE application thru Immigration or a passort neither are cheap and both require a ton of paperwork. UGH!
When Yin came into our county she entered under her birth name. Of course we wanted to her to share our name so here comes the mess. In order to claim her on our taxes she has to have a social security number. I went to the SSA office with child in tow. "Your child MUST be present to get a social security card." After an hour of waiting the "nice" lady at the window informed me that she had to get her card under her birth name. UGH! Even thought I waited for the Court order and new Illinois Birth Certificate.
So a few weeks ago started doing so research on just getting a card with a name change on it. Surprise, Surprise! You can get a name change without all the extra bull....
I took all my documents to their office this Am. The very first thing the lady asked was if my child was a citizen. "Yes, she is but your office does not recognize the law passed in 2000." I said. "She is not a citizen." replies the office lady. THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!! I calmly reply that "I have done research and she can have her name changed and remain a permanent resident Alien under your guidlines." She looks at me for a minute and confirms that I am right!
So today Yin is offically Yin. She will no longer have to use her birthname to get an insurance policy, a job, or retire! Welcome to America Yin! The land of the left hand doesn't work with the right! The land where laws are passed and other government offices do not abide! This is really a great place to live...
I know, I know it could be much worse. It is just very frustrating to try and follow rules that make no sense at all.
At 7:56 PM,
Ragged Around the Edges said…
Glad to meet ya Yin!
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