Brando's Bloggins

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Happy Pants Dance

Since I was complaining a few weeks ago about not knowing my size I went on ebay and have bought about 6 pair of the capris that I LOVE. I just won an auction for 3 pair for $7.00 with $10.00 to ship, but hey pants are heavy. Also they cost $32.00 each at the store. So all in all this is a savings, and I have several really nice pair of pants that I like.

Today was laundry day. Yuri and I worked and worked but finally got all of the clothes washed and put away. This week has been SLOW. I have not been outta my house all week. UGH. I have reduced my errands to once a week due to gas prices. Tonight Rudy picked up our supplies so I guess I'll be staying in tomorrow. I wish that I had something more exciting to write about, but my life is pretty boring.

In exciting dental news Yuri has lost three teeth in the last three weeks. One lower not front, one front top, and the one directly above the lower. He looks so VERY cute, but kinda snaggle toothie. The other front top and side tooth are very loose so before long. He will have none of the front four top teeth.

I have found a two new tv shows that I am really liking one is "DOG" The Bounty Hunter and the other is "Family Jewels". The first is like a more personal really exciting version of COPS, and the second is about Gene Simmons from KISS. They are both on A&E, and they are providing good summer entertainment.

Tonight as I put Yin to bed, I realized that she is the most beautiful girl in the world. She has a temper that someday someperson will dread, but *sigh* I love that kid!


  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger K_Dense73 said…

    I love Dog the Bounty Hunter. He and his family are wonderfully trashy.

  • At 6:26 AM, Blogger Ragged Around the Edges said…

    A girl needs pants that fit. I understand your glee.

    So cool that Yuri is losing teeth. The tooth fairy is busy at your house.

  • At 8:50 AM, Blogger Brando said…

    I think that the tooth fairy is going to have to take out a loan. Some of the kids in Yuri's class say they get $5.00 a tooth. Our fairy's going rate is $1.00 and that is high for us.


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